
By the affect of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, the keloid of scar tissues were generated from a wide range of burns on the back of the boy. (Hiroshima)



A baby girld with 3 years old was evacuated about 12 days after the Nagasaki atomic bomb and died soon at Omura Naval Hospital. (Nagasaki)

A 3 years old baby girl was evacuated to the Omura Naval Hospital, 20 km northeast of Nagasaki City, after about 12 days from August 9, 1945 when the Nagasaki atomic bomb burst. Immediately after hospitalization, gauze and bandage treatment were applied to trauma or burns of the forehead and both lower legs. She was diagnosed as being seriously ill by an atomic bomb disease that became a serious medical condition, but she died shortly after recording without additional cares.


By an embryonic damage from the Hiroshima atomic bomb, an aneurysm died of miscarriage at 6 months of the gestation was preserved in formalin.



A 16 years old girl student severely exposed to the Nagasaki atomic bomb had died in the Omura Naval Hospital with deterioration of general condition durinng 12 days accommodation. (Nagasaki)

By the explosion of the Nagasaki atomic bomb, a 16 year old girl student was severely exposed. It was evacuated to the Omura Naval Hospital during August 9 same as the burst date. Over the burns of the face and forearm, they accompanied significant blisters. She was treated for atomic bomb diseases that became severe on August 12. On August 21 the whole body condition worsened further, and she was suffered from breathing difficulties. On August 22, due to respiratory insufficiency, facial appearance exhausted, the consciousness decreased, abnormal sound appeared also in the lung field. She died at 12:52, and the hospital stay period was 12 days.