Earth Peace without Nuclear War would like to present "Earth Memory of Atomic Bomb" that Earth citizen experienced a miserable history of Atomic bomb. Earth No Atomic Bomb (ENAB) would like to send it to worldwide hearts for peaceful earth citizens as Advocators from Earth No Atomic Bomb. "Memories of Earth No Atomic Bomb" will be a true prevention against Earth No Atomic Bomb. @Aug/6/2016, ENAB
Explosion and energy of nuclear fission chain reaction by Uranium 235 applied to Atomic Bomb
atoms of all substances are composed of the central nucleus and the
surrounding electron group. The number of positive electric protons and
nonelectric neutrons in the nucleus is most stable and solid within
substances. However, the nucleus of uranium 235 releases the neutrons by
super-repeat splitting on absorbing neutrons. They trigger re-division
of its neutron split uranium 235. Concentrating only uranium 235 to the
critical volume so that released neutrons are not wasted will result in a
series of ultrafast nuclear fission chain reactions. With only 80
chains, it causes about 10 to the power of 24. Uranium 235 generates
more than 2.6 million times more calories than coal with the same mass.
The explosions and energy sources of the sun and stars in the heaven
with the nuclear fission which had been applied to the Hiroshima atomic