Earth Peace without Nuclear War would like to present "Earth Memory of Atomic Bomb" that Earth citizen experienced a miserable history of Atomic bomb. Earth No Atomic Bomb (ENAB) would like to send it to worldwide hearts for peaceful earth citizens as Advocators from Earth No Atomic Bomb. "Memories of Earth No Atomic Bomb" will be a true prevention against Earth No Atomic Bomb. @Aug/6/2016, ENAB
The US military created the Map of the Atomic Bomb Area in Nagasaki City
The US military created the Map of the Atomic Bomb Area in Nagasaki City, which demonstrated the damage situation diagram of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb. A strategic bombing mission team of the US military created based on the aerial photograph of the Nagasaki City photographed on August 12, 1945 after three days from the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb. The population density was divided into two shades of light and color. The damage of Atomic Bomb were classified into five exposure collar due to be burned or destroyed - Blue : Completely destroyed, Pink : Completely destroyed and burned, Orange : Completely burned, Blue-Green : Half Destroyed, Bluish-green Hatching : Fire Break, Purple : Other Area. The distance from the hypocenter (Ground Zero) was shown into concentric circles on each 350m.