Trinity experiment using 239 plutonium same as Nagasaki atomic bomb was carried out at 5:29 am on July 16, 1945. It was burst from the zero point on the ground surface in the desert. The photograph of the fireball was taken by a super high speed camera after 0.25 seconds after the explosion of the atomic bomb. The fireball had a diameter of about 310m at the moment. 90% of the heat rays were released from the fireball until 2 seconds. The blast reached its maximum in about 2 seconds. A large amount of gamma ray which rapidly increases to 2 seconds was released and reacted with surrounding air to emit purple growing the mushroom gradually.
Comparing the atomic bomb with the explosion of TNT explosion, 1) the enormous explosive power of 10 million times or more than TNT, 2) the blast with a catastrophic shock wave, 3) terrifically reaching several million degrees, 4) serious damage to the human body caused by release of radioactivity 5) Stopping the life at not only human body but also urban function by electromagnetic waves with powerful gamma rays. The atomic bomb will harm ordinary human beings into a crisis with an incomparable power on the earth.