Earth Peace without Nuclear War would like to present "Earth Memory of Atomic Bomb" that Earth citizen experienced a miserable history of Atomic bomb. Earth No Atomic Bomb (ENAB) would like to send it to worldwide hearts for peaceful earth citizens as Advocators from Earth No Atomic Bomb. "Memories of Earth No Atomic Bomb" will be a true prevention against Earth No Atomic Bomb. @Aug/6/2016, ENAB
Both deaths by Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb corresponded to that by Air raids throughout Japan by B-29.
President Franklin Roosevelt boosted the Military aircraft in the January 14, 1939 of Union massage. On May 16, 1940, he appealed the 50,000 aircrafts per a year extraordinarily. A long-range strategic bomber was completed in June 1943 which was developed B-29 with a radius of 3,219 km and an altitude of 9,144 m by 3 billion dollars. From September 1942, he spent $ 2 billion into the Manhattan project, which was the development of the atomic bomb. Japan military had been already annihilated and destroyed from Solomon Islands in August 1942. The B - 29 developed an incendiary bomb that burns people and buildings, bombed it and burned the whole of Japan through aerial bombardment. B-29 intensively bombed the urban areas of Japan intensively from the Yahata Air raid on June 16, 1944. After less alarm to many citizens, they ran back to the air defense shelter but they were delayed. The primary dead citizens (excluding missing) were about 225,000 at the Air raid of the mainland (excluding Okinawa), about 150,000 at Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, about 74,000 at Nagasaki Atomic Bomb, totaling about 449,000. The two bases of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb and the Nagasaki Bomb corresponded to the Air raids deaths throughout Japan by B-29.