Earth Peace without Nuclear War would like to present "Earth Memory of Atomic Bomb" that Earth citizen experienced a miserable history of Atomic bomb. Earth No Atomic Bomb (ENAB) would like to send it to worldwide hearts for peaceful earth citizens as Advocators from Earth No Atomic Bomb. "Memories of Earth No Atomic Bomb" will be a true prevention against Earth No Atomic Bomb. @Aug/6/2016, ENAB
Nagasaki Atomic Bomb expanded the mainstream of atomic bomb and nuclear electric power
continuous photographs were captured immediately after the plutonium
type atomic bomb exploded on 11:02 am on 9 August 1945 while the
Nagasaki Atomic Bomb was dropped. Nuclear fission was a process in which
unstable nuclei of plutonium (Pu) collapse are split to generate
lighter elements. Just after explosive surrounding the atomic bomb
ruptures, the center of plutonium is compressed at once, absorbing the
neutrons released and chain reaction of nuclear fission at a stroke. The
power of the nuclear fission corresponded to 22,000 tons as a TNT bomb.
Repeated fission within the atmosphere and the ability to terminal
destruction was estimated to be 35% for heat rays, 50% for blasts and
15% for radioactivity. Nuclear fission of Nagasaki Atomic Bomb remained 5
tons of Plutonium that the contaminated radioactivity was generated and
sprayed into Nagasaki City. Spherical Fat-Man type with 32 tetrahedral
lens which caused explosive waves to make the early explosion coincide
with the arrival point of slow explosion. The coincidence strongly
compress the central part of Plutonium was First developed and produce
for the first time in the world. The most difficulty ,time and money was
took during the Manhattan project. Atomic Bomb and nuclear electric
power generation by Plutonium type were expanded into the mainstream in the world at the most.