
Color image by Movie of Mushroom Clouds just on Nagasaki Atomic Bombing

   "Box Car" (V77) dropped "Fat Man" on Natasaki City which photographed the process of generation up to a series of Mushroom clouds by a color movie. The date and aspect had been described as August 9, 1945 at 10:55, and altitude 2438 m. After the fission and explosion with Plotonium, mushroom clouds occurred for a moment while sparks of vermilion or yellow color had been swelled and expanded. The temperature of the fireball sharply rised above the surface of the sun at first, while it was quickly cooled with taking in outside air and forming a mushroom cloud. The power of the explosion was equivalent to 2,200 tons of high-performance of Trinitrotoluene(TNT) equivalent. Radiation emitted by nuclear fission collided with atoms in the air and generated high energy to generate a ascending air currents.